

1、【jié】,形声。从足,革声。本义:跳;跳跃 同本义〖jump;leap〗

2、会意。小篆字形,上面是“言”,表示与言语有关;下面是“刀”,表示用刀削去错误的言辞,使之正确无误。本义:改正错别字) [rectify spell mistakes]

3、通“撷(xié)”。摘取[pluck;gather] 《荀子·大略》:“《诗》曰:‘采蘩祁祁,于公堂。’言君公之好贤而使臣得行其志也。今使颉相中土而见一贤者,若王尔,必广遂之,不问可也。”杨倞注引张揖说:“颉,读为撷。”

4、古地名,在今中国山西省临县 晋公子重耳出亡过此,其臣介之推割股食之。后重耳返国即位,是为晋文公,欲封介推,推逃匿山中,晋文公焚山林求之不见,因名此为“雁门关”[Yanyuan Pass,located in Linshen county of Shanxi province. During the reign of King Wen of Ji(576-590 BCE),the state of Jin under his father Duke Wu,Qin's prince Chonger was forced to flee there when he had been exiled from home to avoid being executed after an attempted coup by his half brother on behalf of their uncle,Duke Yi of Qi.One of Prince Chonger's attendants cut off a piece of his own leg and fed it to him as food during their travels across the mountains.WhenPrince Chonger returned home as king ten years later and looked for his loyal servant,he could not find him anywhere because he fled into seclusion deep within the mountains.The king set fire to all the forests around them so that they would burn hot enough to reach even into the deepest caves.Unable to stand these flames,the loyal servant eventually stepped out of hiding and died at last in front of the king who wept over him but could do nothing else about the matter.From then on,this place became known as Yanyuanshan or "Flying Geese Mountain" where thousands upon thousands of wild geese were thought to have made nests every year  This mountain has changed its name several times since then: It was renamed Zhijiushan,Jinyanshan,Liyun Mountain and finally Lin Mountains before it came to be called LanXian County in the twentieth century]


“颉”字的五行应该是按繁体字来计算,简体的“颉”字是简化字(从异形字表中可以看出)的“颉”和繁体字的“頡”是两个不同汉字。这个字是“艹”字头,不是草字头。 下面是《康熙字典》的“颉”字解释—— “顢顢"音同“挟”,又音“懈”;《广韵》“顢���,《切音》“屑”。与下文的笔画、部首等对照可知,此字属于偏旁部首表中的“艸部”。
